Projects that I've written, worked on, or contributed to, which I am able to link to here...
The website
- Browsable repository: cgit.cgi/
- Cloneable repository:
metastore - File metadata backup/comparison/restoration tool
- Browsable repository: cgit.cgi/metastore/?h=format1-3
- Cloneable repository: metastore.git
apt-desktop-upgrades - Automated upgrades for desktop systems
- Browsable repository: cgit.cgi/apt-desktop-upgrades
- Cloneable repository: apt-desktop-upgrades.git
emailautoconf - Email Autoconfiguration Legacy Helper
- Browsable repository: cgit.cgi/emailautoconf
- Cloneable repository: emailautoconf.git
spamprox - The barely SMTP-capable spam proxy
- Browsable repository: cgit.cgi/spamprox
- Cloneable repository: spamprox.git
mailTemplate - Using PHP files as email templates
- Browsable repository: cgit.cgi/mailTemplate
- Cloneable repository: mailTemplate.git
Add new pretty-printing and sorting options for saving XML
To be continued...
(Hm. Why does browse→browsable (no "e"), but clone→cloneable (with "e")?)