elements for the site function site_head($title) { return "{$title}\n" . "\n" . "\n"; } /// Get a single top-level navigation item for the site function site_navitem($url, $text, $hide = false) { $selected = $url == $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $hbeg = $hide && !$selected ? '!--' : ''; $hend = $hide && !$selected ? '--' : ''; $sel = $selected ? ' class="selected"' : ''; return "<{$hbeg}li{$sel}>{$text}"; } /// Get the standard page header elements for the site function site_header($title) { return "


\n" . "\n"; } /// Get the standard page footer elements for the site function site_footer() { return "
\n" . "

Spragg Software Services Ltd is registered in England, No. 11248242.\n" . " Registered office: 82 Upper Hanover Street, Sheffield, S3 7RQ.\n" . " VAT reg No. 295343283.

\n"; } ?>