/* * Various functions to work with meta entries. * * Copyright (C) 2007 David Härdeman <david@hardeman.nu> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License is applicable. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/xattr.h> #include <limits.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <utime.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <errno.h> #include "metastore.h" #include "metaentry.h" #include "utils.h" /* Free's a metaentry and all its parameters */ static void mentry_free(struct metaentry *m) { unsigned i; if (!m) return; free(m->path); free(m->owner); free(m->group); for (i = 0; i < m->xattrs; i++) { free(m->xattr_names[i]); free(m->xattr_values[i]); } free(m->xattr_names); free(m->xattr_values); free(m->xattr_lvalues); free(m); } /* Allocates an empty metahash table */ static struct metahash * mhash_alloc() { struct metahash *mhash; mhash = xmalloc(sizeof(struct metahash)); memset(mhash, 0, sizeof(struct metahash)); return mhash; } /* Generates a hash key (using djb2) */ static unsigned int hash(const char *str) { unsigned int hash = 5381; int c; while ((c = *str++)) hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; return hash % HASH_INDEXES; } /* Allocates an empty metaentry */ static struct metaentry * mentry_alloc() { struct metaentry *mentry; mentry = xmalloc(sizeof(struct metaentry)); memset(mentry, 0, sizeof(struct metaentry)); return mentry; } /* Does a bisect search for the closest match in a metaentry list */ struct metaentry * mentry_find(const char *path, struct metahash *mhash) { struct metaentry *base; unsigned int key; if (!mhash) { msg(MSG_ERROR, "%s called with empty hash table\n", __FUNCTION__); return NULL; } key = hash(path); for (base = mhash->bucket[key]; base; base = base->next) { if (!strcmp(base->path, path)) return base; } return NULL; } /* Inserts a metaentry into a metaentry list */ static void mentry_insert(struct metaentry *mentry, struct metahash *mhash) { unsigned int key; key = hash(mentry->path); mentry->next = mhash->bucket[key]; mhash->bucket[key] = mentry; } #ifdef DEBUG /* Prints a metaentry */ static void mentry_print(const struct metaentry *mentry) { int i; if (!mentry || !mentry->path) { msg(MSG_DEBUG, "Incorrect meta entry passed to printmetaentry\n"); return; } msg(MSG_DEBUG, "===========================\n"); msg(MSG_DEBUG, "Dump of metaentry %p\n", mentry); msg(MSG_DEBUG, "===========================\n"); msg(MSG_DEBUG, "path\t\t: %s\n", mentry->path); msg(MSG_DEBUG, "owner\t\t: %s\n", mentry->owner); msg(MSG_DEBUG, "group\t\t: %s\n", mentry->group); msg(MSG_DEBUG, "mtime\t\t: %ld\n", (unsigned long)mentry->mtime); msg(MSG_DEBUG, "mtimensec\t: %ld\n", (unsigned long)mentry->mtimensec); msg(MSG_DEBUG, "mode\t\t: %ld\n", (unsigned long)mentry->mode); for (i = 0; i < mentry->xattrs; i++) { msg(MSG_DEBUG, "xattr[%i]\t: %s=\"", i, mentry->xattr_names[i]); binary_print(mentry->xattr_values[i], mentry->xattr_lvalues[i]); msg(MSG_DEBUG, "\"\n"); } msg(MSG_DEBUG, "===========================\n\n"); } /* Prints all metaentries in a metaentry list */ static void mentries_print(const struct metahash *mhash) { const struct metaentry *mentry; int index; for (index = 0; index < HASH_INDEXES; index++) for (mentry = mhash->bucket[index]; mentry; mentry = mentry->next) mentry_print(mentry); msg(MSG_DEBUG, "%i entries in total\n", mhash->count); } #endif /* Creates a metaentry for the file/dir/etc at path */ struct metaentry * mentry_create(const char *path) { ssize_t lsize, vsize; char *list, *attr; struct stat sbuf; struct passwd *pbuf; struct group *gbuf; int i; struct metaentry *mentry; if (lstat(path, &sbuf)) { msg(MSG_ERROR, "lstat failed for %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } pbuf = xgetpwuid(sbuf.st_uid); if (!pbuf) { msg(MSG_ERROR, "getpwuid failed for %s: uid %i not found\n", path, (int)sbuf.st_uid); return NULL; } gbuf = xgetgrgid(sbuf.st_gid); if (!gbuf) { msg(MSG_ERROR, "getgrgid failed for %s: gid %i not found\n", path, (int)sbuf.st_gid); return NULL; } mentry = mentry_alloc(); mentry->path = xstrdup(path); mentry->pathlen = strlen(mentry->path); mentry->owner = xstrdup(pbuf->pw_name); mentry->group = xstrdup(gbuf->gr_name); mentry->mode = sbuf.st_mode & 0177777; mentry->mtime = sbuf.st_mtim.tv_sec; mentry->mtimensec = sbuf.st_mtim.tv_nsec; /* symlinks have no xattrs */ if (S_ISLNK(mentry->mode)) return mentry; lsize = listxattr(path, NULL, 0); if (lsize < 0) { /* Perhaps the FS doesn't support xattrs? */ if (errno == ENOTSUP) return mentry; msg(MSG_ERROR, "listxattr failed for %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } list = xmalloc(lsize); lsize = listxattr(path, list, lsize); if (lsize < 0) { msg(MSG_ERROR, "listxattr failed for %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); free(list); return NULL; } i = 0; for (attr = list; attr < list + lsize; attr = strchr(attr, '\0') + 1) { if (*attr == '\0') continue; i++; } if (i == 0) return mentry; mentry->xattrs = i; mentry->xattr_names = xmalloc(i * sizeof(char *)); mentry->xattr_values = xmalloc(i * sizeof(char *)); mentry->xattr_lvalues = xmalloc(i * sizeof(ssize_t)); i = 0; for (attr = list; attr < list + lsize; attr = strchr(attr, '\0') + 1) { if (*attr == '\0') continue; mentry->xattr_names[i] = xstrdup(attr); vsize = getxattr(path, attr, NULL, 0); if (vsize < 0) { msg(MSG_ERROR, "getxattr failed for %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); free(list); mentry_free(mentry); return NULL; } mentry->xattr_lvalues[i] = vsize; mentry->xattr_values[i] = xmalloc(vsize); vsize = getxattr(path, attr, mentry->xattr_values[i], vsize); if (vsize < 0) { msg(MSG_ERROR, "getxattr failed for %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); free(list); mentry_free(mentry); return NULL; } i++; } free(list); return mentry; } /* Cleans up a path and makes it relative to current working dir unless it is absolute */ static char * normalize_path(const char *orig) { char *real = realpath(orig, NULL); char cwd[PATH_MAX]; char *result; getcwd(cwd, PATH_MAX); if (!real) return NULL; if (!strncmp(real, cwd, strlen(cwd))) { result = xmalloc(strlen(real) - strlen(cwd) + 1 + 1); result[0] = '\0'; strcat(result, "."); strcat(result, real + strlen(cwd)); } else { result = xstrdup(real); } free(real); return result; } /* Internal function for the recursive path walk */ static void mentries_recurse(const char *path, struct metahash *mhash, msettings *st) { struct stat sbuf; struct metaentry *mentry; char tpath[PATH_MAX]; DIR *dir; struct dirent *dent; if (!path) return; if (lstat(path, &sbuf)) { msg(MSG_ERROR, "lstat failed for %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); return; } mentry = mentry_create(path); if (!mentry) return; mentry_insert(mentry, mhash); if (S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) { dir = opendir(path); if (!dir) { msg(MSG_ERROR, "opendir failed for %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); return; } while ((dent = readdir(dir))) { if (!strcmp(dent->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(dent->d_name, "..") || (!st->do_git && !strcmp(dent->d_name, ".git"))) continue; snprintf(tpath, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", path, dent->d_name); tpath[PATH_MAX - 1] = '\0'; mentries_recurse(tpath, mhash, st); } closedir(dir); } } /* Recurses opath and adds metadata entries to the metaentry list */ void mentries_recurse_path(const char *opath, struct metahash **mhash, msettings *st) { char *path = normalize_path(opath); if (!(*mhash)) *mhash = mhash_alloc(); mentries_recurse(path, *mhash, st); free(path); } /* Stores metaentries to a file */ void mentries_tofile(const struct metahash *mhash, const char *path) { FILE *to; const struct metaentry *mentry; int key; unsigned i; to = fopen(path, "w"); if (!to) { msg(MSG_CRITICAL, "Failed to open %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } write_binary_string(SIGNATURE, SIGNATURELEN, to); write_binary_string(VERSION, VERSIONLEN, to); for (key = 0; key < HASH_INDEXES; key++) { for (mentry = mhash->bucket[key]; mentry; mentry = mentry->next) { write_string(mentry->path, to); write_string(mentry->owner, to); write_string(mentry->group, to); write_int((uint64_t)mentry->mtime, 8, to); write_int((uint64_t)mentry->mtimensec, 8, to); write_int((uint64_t)mentry->mode, 2, to); write_int(mentry->xattrs, 4, to); for (i = 0; i < mentry->xattrs; i++) { write_string(mentry->xattr_names[i], to); write_int(mentry->xattr_lvalues[i], 4, to); write_binary_string(mentry->xattr_values[i], mentry->xattr_lvalues[i], to); } } } fclose(to); } /* Creates a metaentry list from a file */ void mentries_fromfile(struct metahash **mhash, const char *path) { struct metaentry *mentry; char *mmapstart; char *ptr; char *max; int fd; struct stat sbuf; unsigned i; if (!(*mhash)) *mhash = mhash_alloc(); fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { msg(MSG_CRITICAL, "Failed to open %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (fstat(fd, &sbuf)) { msg(MSG_CRITICAL, "Failed to stat %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (sbuf.st_size < (SIGNATURELEN + VERSIONLEN)) { msg(MSG_CRITICAL, "File %s has an invalid size\n", path); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } mmapstart = mmap(NULL, (size_t)sbuf.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (mmapstart == MAP_FAILED) { msg(MSG_CRITICAL, "Unable to mmap %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ptr = mmapstart; max = mmapstart + sbuf.st_size; if (strncmp(ptr, SIGNATURE, SIGNATURELEN)) { msg(MSG_CRITICAL, "Invalid signature for file %s\n", path); goto out; } ptr += SIGNATURELEN; if (strncmp(ptr, VERSION, VERSIONLEN)) { msg(MSG_CRITICAL, "Invalid version of file %s\n", path); goto out; } ptr += VERSIONLEN; while (ptr < mmapstart + sbuf.st_size) { if (*ptr == '\0') { msg(MSG_CRITICAL, "Invalid characters in file %s\n", path); goto out; } mentry = mentry_alloc(); mentry->path = read_string(&ptr, max); mentry->pathlen = strlen(mentry->path); mentry->owner = read_string(&ptr, max); mentry->group = read_string(&ptr, max); mentry->mtime = (time_t)read_int(&ptr, 8, max); mentry->mtimensec = (time_t)read_int(&ptr, 8, max); mentry->mode = (mode_t)read_int(&ptr, 2, max); mentry->xattrs = (unsigned int)read_int(&ptr, 4, max); if (!mentry->xattrs) { mentry_insert(mentry, *mhash); continue; } mentry->xattr_names = xmalloc(mentry->xattrs * sizeof(char *)); mentry->xattr_lvalues = xmalloc(mentry->xattrs * sizeof(int)); mentry->xattr_values = xmalloc(mentry->xattrs * sizeof(char *)); for (i = 0; i < mentry->xattrs; i++) { mentry->xattr_names[i] = read_string(&ptr, max); mentry->xattr_lvalues[i] = (int)read_int(&ptr, 4, max); mentry->xattr_values[i] = read_binary_string(&ptr, mentry->xattr_lvalues[i], max); } mentry_insert(mentry, *mhash); } out: munmap(mmapstart, sbuf.st_size); close(fd); } /* Searches haystack for an xattr matching xattr number n in needle */ int mentry_find_xattr(struct metaentry *haystack, struct metaentry *needle, unsigned n) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < haystack->xattrs; i++) { if (strcmp(haystack->xattr_names[i], needle->xattr_names[n])) continue; if (haystack->xattr_lvalues[i] != needle->xattr_lvalues[n]) return -1; if (bcmp(haystack->xattr_values[i], needle->xattr_values[n], needle->xattr_lvalues[n])) return -1; return i; } return -1; } /* Returns zero if all xattrs in left and right match */ static int mentry_compare_xattr(struct metaentry *left, struct metaentry *right) { unsigned i; if (left->xattrs != right->xattrs) return 1; /* Make sure all xattrs in left are found in right and vice versa */ for (i = 0; i < left->xattrs; i++) { if (mentry_find_xattr(right, left, i) < 0 || mentry_find_xattr(left, right, i) < 0) { return 1; } } return 0; } /* Compares two metaentries and returns an int with a bitmask of differences */ int mentry_compare(struct metaentry *left, struct metaentry *right, msettings *st) { int retval = DIFF_NONE; if (!left || !right) { msg(MSG_ERROR, "%s called with empty list\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } if (strcmp(left->path, right->path)) return -1; if (strcmp(left->owner, right->owner)) retval |= DIFF_OWNER; if (strcmp(left->group, right->group)) retval |= DIFF_GROUP; if ((left->mode & 07777) != (right->mode & 07777)) retval |= DIFF_MODE; if ((left->mode & S_IFMT) != (right->mode & S_IFMT)) retval |= DIFF_TYPE; if (st->do_mtime && strcmp(left->path, st->metafile) && (left->mtime != right->mtime || left->mtimensec != right->mtimensec)) retval |= DIFF_MTIME; if (mentry_compare_xattr(left, right)) { retval |= DIFF_XATTR; return retval; } return retval; } /* Compares lists of real and stored metadata and calls pfunc for each */ void mentries_compare(struct metahash *mhashreal, struct metahash *mhashstored, void (*pfunc) (struct metaentry *real, struct metaentry *stored, int cmp), msettings *st) { struct metaentry *real, *stored; int key; if (!mhashreal || !mhashstored) { msg(MSG_ERROR, "%s called with empty list\n", __FUNCTION__); return; } for (key = 0; key < HASH_INDEXES; key++) { for (real = mhashreal->bucket[key]; real; real = real->next) { stored = mentry_find(real->path, mhashstored); if (!stored) pfunc(real, NULL, DIFF_ADDED); else pfunc(real, stored, mentry_compare(real, stored, st)); } for (stored = mhashstored->bucket[key]; stored; stored = stored->next) { real = mentry_find(stored->path, mhashreal); if (!real) pfunc(NULL, stored, DIFF_DELE); } } }